
The Coach's Code of Conduct

  • Your Coach will conduct themselves with dignity, honesty, integrity, ​and responsibility.

  • Anything discussed with your Coach will remain confidential unless ​the participant gives permission in writing or they are bound by law to ​divulge.

  • Coaches will not be judgmental or give unwelcome advice.

  • Coaches will be clear about the boundary between coaching and other ​therapies, such as counseling.

  • Coaches will not recommend a specific therapist unless qualified to do ​so.

  • Coaches will not give misleading information about any type of ​therapy or coaching and its benefits.

  • All coaching agreements should be easy to understand, with the ​expectations of both the Coach and Participant clearly stated.

  • Coaches will not coach minors (under 18) without the parent’s written ​permission.

  • Coaches will be willing to recommend other coaches if it is more appropriate ​for the client.

  • Coaches have professional indemnity insurance in force.

  • Whenever possible, coaches are encouraged to raise their coaching profile ​and correct any misconceptions about what coaching is and isn’t.

  • Coaches will treat all clients in a way that respects people’s differences in ​relation to physical or mental disability, gender, age, race, religion, politics, ​and sexual orientation.



Emotional and Intelligence Concept

Deidre Heim Coaching Agreement Page 2 of 5